How To Introduce Segmentation In Your Content Strategy

Maciej Woźniczko
Maciej Woźniczko | 11 May 2018 | 5 min read
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Experienced marketers know that one-size-fits-all solutions should be avoided in online marketing strategies.

Instead of them, business owners need to create some special content features, tailor-made for different groups of target audiences. In other words, they need to conduct content segmentation. In the next few paragraphs, we’ll explain how to do this process in an efficient and customer-friendly way.

Choosing the relevant audience criteria

Every content strategy needs to contain some points whose end goal is to increase the number of sales. However, if these elements don’t respond to the needs of your audience, all your marketing effort will be in vain.

What’s important to make your content strategy work, is to divide it into several parts, in accordance with your target groups.

You can target these groups by applying the following criteria:

  • Psychographic elements – Your potential customers’ personality traits, lifestyle preferences and social status;
  • Geographical features – The area in which the members of your target groups live, work or travel;
  • Behavioral information – Their shopping habits and expenditure preferences, as well as their expectations from purchased products;
  • Demographic data – The largest set of target audience elements, which vary from their age, race and ethnicity to their gender, income and education

All of the content you create on your website should be segmented in line with these criteria. This will help you target the right audience in terms of your sales objectives.

Divide the website into special segments

When visitors come to your business website, it’s crucial to grasp their attention at once. You’ll manage to do that if they immediately spot the right solution for their problem.

The best way to do that is to divide your homepage into several different segments. Those separate elements will be created on the basis of the aforementioned content segmentation criteria.

For instance, if you sell clothes on your eCommerce website, you can divide the homepage or the menu into several categories – say, clothes for men, women, and children.

Another segmentation criterion could be different types of clothes.

Also, you can form the groups on the basis of clothes for different seasons. In some cases, all three segmentation strategies can be applied on the same website.

Still, bear in mind that these segmentation tactics need to be frequently analyzed and revised, especially in online trade (since everything is constantly changing in this field). This is where you can use some trendy marketing tactics for eCommerce to retain your old customers and generate new leads.

Adapting the landing pages to the sales process

Now that your website has been successfully segmented for your target groups, you need to make an effort to reduce the bounce rate. One of the most efficient ways to do that is to adapt the landing pages to your customers’ needs.

First and foremost, avoid pouring too many elements into the same landing page funnel. These landing pages should contain only the details of your value proposition. Explain why your solutions are the best match for the target group that has chosen that segment of your website.

What you can also do is add links to some other areas of your website (such as other landing pages). Therefore, your visitors can learn more about other aspects of your business. 

This role segmentation is also extremely important when it comes to sales. Once a customer reaches the final stage of the purchase process, make sure that they aren’t interrupted by any distractors. Since they’ve already passed through several stages of content and audience segmentation, the moment they get to purchase something from you is the cherry on the top of the entire process.

At this moment it’s also important to be able to respond to the shopping demands of larger buyers. Therefore, make sure to have an online invoice generator at the click of a mouse, so that you can quickly issue an invoice and receive the payment.

Follow up for more accurate segmentation

More accurate audience targeting lies at the heart of content segmentation. Because of that, you should use some follow-up tactics to learn a bit more about every person who registers to your website or makes a purchase on it.

For instance, you can ask a customer to fill out a survey or a questionnaire after they’ve made a purchase on your website. You can use the data they provide in that document for more personalized offers and deals.

Moreover, you can send them newsletters and bulletins when you launch some special features.

The more information you gather from your registered customers, the more thorough segmentation options you’ll have in your hands.

But if you don’t do the first stage of the content segmentation properly, your customers won’t reach these later stages.

The final segment

Every business content strategy needs to be divided into several subsections, based on different audience criteria. This segmentation process should include both the customer groups you’re targeting and the products you want to sell. Only such an approach will ensure that your customers can choose from a variety of personalized offers. If you apply the tips on content segmentation presented in this article, you’ll increase your chances to form a pool of repeat customers and improve your sales. 

This is a guest post by InvoiceBus. The author of the post is Mark - a biz-dev hero at Invoicebus - a simple invoicing service that gets your invoices paid faster. He passionately blogs on topics that help small biz owners succeed in their business. He is also a lifelong learner who practices mindfulness and enjoys long walks in nature more than anything else.

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