What does your packaging say about your omnichannel brand?

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Omni-channel retail is growing in importance around the world. Omnichannel packaging needs to grow along side it.
Customers want to check your product on your website, then see if it's any cheaper on Amazon or eBay.
Then, they'll go back and buy it on your website. But then come into the store to pick it up. Today’s customer expects the omnichannel shopping structure. They want to shop any way they want.
And, they want choices in how they get their product.
When they want their purchases delivered, they expect it fast and shipped with some love and care. When they want an in-store pickup, they expect the same level of care and attention to detail.
So, give it to them! But, give it to them with flair.
That’s where your retail box brand and omnichannel retail go hand in hand.
Create a branding and unboxing experience that's consistent over every sales channels -
Create an omnichannel brand with omnichannel packaging!
Store Fulfillment & Shipping
Ship-from-Store is a big deal these days. Retailers want to use their stores as effectively as possible. Store fulfilment has become an important part of the retail operations mix.
Frankly, it is a great idea.
Instead of shipping all orders from a distant warehouse, ship it from the retail store.
- Shipping costs are lower
- It turns over store inventory faster
- It keeps inventory fresh
- Reduces the need for markdowns.
It is also a great way to use a store’s light traffic times, to keep productive. In this situation, your packaging bundle needs to be the same for your online customer as it would be your in-store customer.
This is the first step of having consistent omnichannel packaging.
Store fulfilment is where intelligent shipping comes into play.
We all know the stories about a retailer shipping fiasco. A small item like a USB memory stick shipped in a package the size of six shoe boxes.
Your omnichannel brand is about making sure you ship items in the right sized boxes.
Get Your Box Sizes Right
This means making sure your stores have the right packing materials. This includes a few sizes of boxes, rather than one standard large size.
The standard size might be more efficient overall, but it sends the wrong message to your customers. Oversized packaging makes your brand seem foolish and wasteful.
If you are fulfilling orders from your store, your operation is already ahead of the curve. Having a few box sizes to use for in-store shipments shows your customers that you are using your head.
That’s what we mean about your omni-channel box brand. It says that your brand is smart, consistent and offers a great buying experience, no matter where you buy from.
What is your product packaging saying about your retail business?
In-Store Pickup - Box Experience
Remember the first time you bought an iPhone or iPad? There was a certain magic to the experience.
You might have bought online and had it delivered. Or you might have gone to an Apple store to get it immediately. Either way, there was an unboxing experience. You could tell that someone put some thought into the packaging.
It was high quality.
It was fun to open.
It was an adventure.
It built up the excitement and overall experience.
Because of this, you now know the brand better, and you trust it. You're more confident in your purchase and the purchase, regardless of the product, means more to you.
Are you giving customers this amazing experience on an in-store pickup?
Customers want an experience. In fact, the click and collect super-consumer is a retailer’s ideal customer.
She buys several additional items on an order pickup. She doesn’t want to pick up items in a plastic bag because that’s boring. There is no sense of excitement or pleasure in a plastic bag.
Rather, make sure their pickup is ready for her in a branded, smart looking box. It conveys that image that your retail brand is organized, and it adds value to your customer.
It conveys a higher level of professionalism and brand pride. It also gives the customer a bit of that same un-boxing experience of the Apple product example.
This is a good omnichannel brand experience.
Omni-channel Packaging Tells Your Story
Omni-channel retailing is already commonplace in Western Europe. The rest of the world is working to catch up.
Omni-channel retail is about catering to customer desires. It is also about giving them a positive experience with your retail brand. That’s why you cannot overlook what your packaging says about your brand.
Your retail business might be driving a ship-from-store strategy. Or perhaps you are emphasizing click and collect with more in-store pickups.
Either way, giving your customers the right packaging and box experience, is important.
It tells your customers you care.
It tells your customers your people use their head, and take service seriously.
That makes customers want to come back. That makes customers like buying from your brand. That’s the omnichannel brand experience.