How to run a sustainable fashion brand. A chat with the founder.


Marta Llaquet

Founder & CEO, SAYE

The world needs more fashion brands that are sustainable and care about their impact on the environment. But all the buzz around the topic can be confusing. What is a sustainable fashion brand and how can businesses make that change? But, don’t worry! We’ve invited a special guest to walk you through the whole process. 

Join us for a discussion with Marta Llaquet, Co-Founder & CEO at SAYE. She founded SAYE (previously Wado) in 2017 as an online sneaker brand that would plant trees for each sale. What started as a Kickstarter project turned out to be a successful zero-waste brand loved by thousands. 

You’ll walk away from this with: 

  • An understanding of setting up a fair manufacturing process that respects people and the environment 
  • Ideas to reduce the carbon footprint of a fashion brand 
  • Insights for creating solid fashion design concepts focussed on longevity
  • Solutions used in sustainable fashion packaging
  • Steps to become a transparent brand and communicate your commitments in 2022 and beyond.

Packhelp Talks are live training, panel discussions and “Ask me Anything” sessions with notable experts in their field. We talk about e-commerce, retail, packaging, design, sustainability, and more! 

Speaker Profiles:

Marta Llaquet

Founder & CEO, SAYE

Marta worked for three years in strategic consulting and on a personal sunglasses project when she finished her Business Administration degree at ESADE University. Immediately after, she got her Digital Marketing Master and created a sustainable and vegan sneaker brand. The company started as a Kickstarter project in 2018 under the name Waldo, becoming the most-funded Spanish fashion project ever on the platform. Today, she leads the strategy and the growth of the SAYE, brand for the Woke Generation, featured by Vogue, Glamour and Elle.

Topics we will cover:

How to establish sustainable production processes in fashion?

What are the certifications and standards popular among sustainable fashion brands?

What are the biggest challenges for fashion brands that want to sell sustainable products?

How to create solid fashion design concepts focussed on longevity?

How to communicate your sustainability commitments in 2022 and beyond?

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